Borjana Ventzislavova is based in Vienna and Sofia. The artist and filmmaker received her MFA in Visual media/Digital art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. She is a cross-disciplinary artist who works in the fields of photography, film/video, installation, performing and new media art.
Her works have been exhibited internationally in solo and group shows as well as at media art and film festivals, including MAK Vienna, MAK LA, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg and Klagenfurt, Esterházy Foundation, MUSA, Triennale Linz 1.0, Samlung Essl, Thomas K. Lang Gallery, Gallery Bäckerstrasse4, K/haus, quartier21, Ostlicht, Vienna, Austrian Cultural Forum Washigton DC and London, Bulgarian Cultural Inst. Vienna, Haus Wittgenstein, ICA London, Ex-garage, Maribor, Sofia City Art Gallery, National Art Gallery Sofia, Academia Gallery, Sofia, ICA Sofia, Credo Bonum Sofia, Art Today Plovdiv, Hunt Gallery, St. Louis, US, Cologne Conference, IDFA, Diagonale, Graz, EMAF, Osnabrück, Transmediale, Berlin, Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Rencontres internationales, Berwick Film and Media Arts Fest, Moscow Int. Filmfest, Int. Short Film Fest Istanbul, Split Film Fest, etc.
She received the Austrian State Scholarship for Fine Art (2013), numerous grants and awards for projects, start up scholarship for Fine Art (2009), winner of Top Ten Nonfiction Award at Cologne Conference (2006), Otto Prutscher Fonds Award (2006), Susmannstiftung Award (2005); recognitions at Art in Motion, Los Angeles (2002), Ars Electronica, Linz (2002), CYNETart, Dresden (2001). She was an artist in residence in London (ACF), Rom (BMUKK), Newcastle (ISIS Arts), Berkeley (CEC Artslink), Los Angeles (MAK Schindler). Her works are part of private and public colletions.
"Borjana Ventzislavova’s work addresses issues of mobility and crossing of socio-geographical and cultural boarders and deal with the complex process of communication and translation. Focusing on documentary and narrative structures and constructions, she mixes stages and situations, still and moving image, text and sound into cases and stories that test the line between personal and social, examine the interaction between individual and collective in the frame of current events and history. In her concern with the strategies of re-positioning, manipulation and perception, and discrepancy procedure, Ventzislavova’s work draws attention to the permeable boarders between reality and fiction."